Applications for data processing and customized reporting
Applications for data processing and reporting, developed in order to improve the customization of the energy monitoring system according the particular requirements of each project.
The great flexibility of these applications, allows a fast and easy definition of the way how data that is gathered by the system is grouped, processed reported and distributed to the different groups of users, according their particular needs.
Besides the data referring to electrical energy usage, you can integrate other type of data into the system, namely concerning the productive process, gas, hot/cold water, steam, HVACs, emergency generators etc.
The joint processing of data will allow calculating the key performance indicators that are required for a convenient characterization of the facilities, specific consumption, equipment usage rates, benchmarking, or other that client may consider being important for him.
Flex Reporter is used for a diversified set of applications and Build Reporter is particularly suited for applications in the area of building requiring allocating common costs for a large number of users.
Main functionalities
- Definition and characterization of variables.
- Grouping the variables in the manner that the client considers to be the most adequate for his objectives; several levels can be defined – group, service, department, production line; logical and arithmetic operations can be defined between variables.
- Characterization of each facility concerning the factors intervening on the total energy cost calculation – tariffs, contracted power , unitary cost per kWh, m3, currency, etc.
- Consolidation of data along the time – every 15 min, per hour, day, month.
- Report between two dates defined by the user – annual, monthly, daily.
- The values presented in the report can show only the used energy or include also costs.
- The reports can be automatically exported to an EXCEL sheet, a pdf file, archived to a folder in the network, sent by email to several users.
- Validation of the data existing in the database – is possible to correct data that, by any reason, can be wrong or missing.
- Cost simulation in different scenarios – invoice for current or previous month; invoice simulation in different tariff regimes.
- Access via web – the access to simulated invoices or the reports can be done via internet.
- Access protected by password; different levels of access, accord the type of user.
For additional information, please contact us:
EMR – Engenharia Manutenção e Representações Lda
Av. D. Manuel II 2070 (Ed Plaza) 3º Sala 31
4470-334 Maia Portugal
GPS: 41.233311,-8.621470
Tel: +351 229441992 Call to the national fixed network
Fax: +351 229442079