Energy Management Systems
Reduce the energy invoice:
- Simulate energy costs in different scenarios / tariff regime
- Invoice simulation / validation
- Peak demand monitoring / load shedding
- Negotiate contracts with energy provider
- Centralize data / aggregate energy used in different locations
Improve energy and operational efficiency:
- Energy forecast, based on production plan
- Optimize the planning for minimizing energy costs
- Integrate energy usage with production data
- Measure used energy - kWh, gas, water, steam, fuel ... / measure produced units, tones ...
- Calculate KPI's, energy efficiency, equipment usage rate, specific consumption ...
- Allocate costs per user, sector, production order ...
- Benchmarking
- Support for certification according ISO 50001
Convenient publishing / presentation of the produced information:
- Access the data / reports via web
- Reports, messages, alert for abnormal situations, automatically sent by email
- Dashboards with key information located in strategic places ...
Besides measuring the energy that is used, we can also implement SOLUTIONS for improving energy efficiency